The growing demand for Holistic Wellness Retreats

What is clear is the growing demand for these ancient supportive practices that foster the evolution of society, a connection to others, and a connection to self. The lingering effects of the Pandemic, the future of Climate Change, and the Geopolitical carry a lot of uncertainty for the future. People have not returned to the same safe way of living as they once experienced, dive into our experience of retreat in silence at one of the leading holistic wellness centers in Italy.

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Lindsay Madden-Nadeau
Current Changes in Remote Work and Opportunities for the Hospitality Industry

In another 3-4 years the "remote work model" will not only be the most desired model for most relevant businesses it will also become the norm. So what is the hospitality industry doing to pivot in a way that is innovative and uses their existing spaces to have what the new consumers need? Thank you to Hotel Executive magazine, and Monika Moser from Campbell House Design Group for the invitation to do this collaborative piece on "Remote Work Opportunities"

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Lindsay Madden-Nadeau
Wellness Role Models

Steadily over the last three years, different types of wellness businesses have been showing up all over the world. Clinics are bringing together a variety of complementary medicines to support holistic treatment plans, while larger medical organisations in America and Europe predominately focus on diagnostics. In South America there’s a movement towards plant- and nature-based medicine and in Asia the focus is on using ancient traditional therapies that have been passed down through generations to support and rebalance the body. Wellness is showing up everywhere and it certainly isn’t slowing down.

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Lindsay Madden-Nadeau
Designing Purpose Built Wellness Spaces

A passion project transforms a 1930s home into a beautiful architecturally designed wellness space. On a New Year's Retreat in Goa, India, I met three beautiful people who were in the process of building a meaningful wellness space in Riehen, Switzerland; Nicolas Hünerwadel, Founder of Hunerwadel Architecture Studio, his wife Eunice Hünerwadel-Kuwornu, and one of my new-found favorite people, Stephen Thomas.

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Lindsay Madden-Nadeau
Living with Purpose; Guardians of the Land

Three wellness experts channel their entrepreneurial spirits to pursue their true purpose in life; to build unique wellness retreats connected to the land. I recently spoke with three extraordinary small businesses about what inspired their businesses at the creation phase and how the culture, people, and energetic land weave together to support a greater vision on the well-being journey. Here are their stories.

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Lindsay Madden-Nadeau
Is there a difference between Wellness and Wellbeing?

This is a question that I see asked all the time, and as someone within the wellness space, I felt that now was a good opportunity to bring it to the table. For those of us who live and breathe both wellness and well-being in our work and personal lives, the answer may seem obvious – but most people still have a difficult time articulating the differences.

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Lindsay Madden-Nadeau
Wellness in a Hospitality Space

As I work with clients around the world on new projects, I’m increasingly finding that there’s quite a bit of confusion about what wellness actually means to a hotel. Hotel owners, general managers, and even industry leaders have made an automatic shift so that they now equate ‘wellness’ with spa & fitness.

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Lindsay Madden-Nadeau